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Data Structures and Algorithms: The Course Playlist is available [here] and Python/C programs can be found [here]

  • Arrays

    1. Introduction to arrays: Creating an array and inserting "n" values in it

    2. Insertion in arrays: Part 1: Sorted Array

    3. Insertion in arrays: Part 2: Unsorted array [C Program] [Python Program]

    4. Deletion from arrays: Part 1: Directly from a position [C Program] [Python program]

    5. Deletion from arrays: Part 2: From a sorted array [C Program] [Python program]

    6. Merging of arrays: Part 1: Unsorted arrays [C Program] [Python program]

    7. Merging of arrays: Part 2: Sorted arrays [C Program] [Python program]

  • Singly (one-way) Linked Lists

    1. Introduction to linked lists: Creating a linked list and adding first node in it [C Program]

    2. Insertion into linked lists: Part 1: Beginning of linked lists [C Program]

    3. Insertion into linked lists: Part 2(a): At a given position in unsorted linked list [C Program]

    4. Insertion into linked lists: Part 2(b): At a given position in sorted linked list [C Program]

    5. Insertion into linked lists: Part 3: At the end of the linked list [C Program]

    6. Deletion from linked lists: Part 1: From the beginning of the linked list [C Program]

    7. Deletion from linked lists: Part 2: From a specific position in the linked list [C Program]

    8. Deletion from linked lists: Part 3(a): Based on data value from an unsorted linked list [C Program]

    9. Deletion from linked lists: Part 3(b): Based on data value from a sorted linked list [C Program]

    10. Merging of linked lists: Part 1: Unsorted Linked lists [C Program]

    11. Merging of linked lists: Part 2: Sorted Linked lists [C Program]

    12. Searching in linked lists: Part 1: Unsorted Linked lists [C Program]

    13. Searching in linked lists: Part 2: Sorted Linked lists [C Program]

Digital Circuits: [Course Playlist]

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